

Monday, July 2, 2012

Don't Battle the Bathroom Scale: Weight Charts are Your Weight-loss Friend

I have witnessed people who have a crazy relationship with the size of the bathroom and weight charts. When I used to work for a weight-loss centers, weigh-in ritual often include shedding shoes, belts, and even the tiniest of earrings. A woman will even insist on taking off his pants. As I protested it was a public place and the men and children can walk in any moment he was unzipping down to his skivvies.

Chart a friend or enemy the size and weight of your bathroom? Even for those who successfully lose weight, or to an ideal weight, are often feelings of awe-inspiring and angst as they step size bathroom, and keeping a chart of weight is the farthest thing from their minds.

Important to calm our relationship with our bathroom scale and weight chart welcome a running tally of body weight on specific dates in our lives. This means calming our feelings about our weight and then reprogramming the message to us to judge ourselves according to how much we weigh any given day.

Normalizing our relations with the size of the bathroom and keeping a weight chart is important because, when used correctly, the size of the bathroom and weight chartscan be a good indicator of whether (or how) we need to change our behavior.

The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) is tracking more than 5,000 individuals who lost significant amounts of weight and kept it for long time periods. They evaluated the behavioral and mental characteristics of weight maintainers, as well as the strategies they use to maintain their weight loss.

One of the common denominators of their habits are the steps to the bathroom scale. In fact, 75% of participants weighed themselves at least once per week, and many stepped on their size bathroom every day.

To maintain an appropriate weight, I use the same strategy that I suspect many people using the NWCR. I see what I can get through in terms of calories pampering, and when the size of the bathroom starts tipping to the right, I rein it in and take off a few pounds.

But befriending the bathroom scale is not enough, as I said above, keeping a weekly chart of the weight is also important. People actually lose weight tend to convince themselves it into a plateau, that dietis not working, they should be doing more, etc..

Judy is an example. He lost 19 pounds in six months and now is an appropriate weight range. But he keeps telling himself (and group) he is not exercising enough (three times a week), he eats too much cake, and more. He actually say the words that I m ​​losing weight when he had just got off the size of the bathroom and it falls to a half pound. Good solid, black-and-white evidence in the form of readings on the size of the bathroom and a chart of weight. Also good on a diet coach or support group to lend some insight.

The same is true of people gaining weight and convincing themselves it's just a few pounds and they have to worry about later. Seeing them in a bathroom size or weight charts, black and white in a range of time, can help. It could be only a few pounds. . . But when you see it in months or years, it can give you a reality check that may prompt you to make the decision to reverse the trend.

How often do you weigh?

When it comes to how often to step on the scale of the bathroom and make notations in your weight chart, the best advice I can give a coach of food, funny enough, is to tell people to do the opposite of what they are now doing. If you do not get the size of the bathroom or keep a chart of weight, then you should weigh once a day for a couple of months, and keep a day-to-day chart with weight it. This will help you get rejection if you are having and also give you a realistic picture of your change in weight due to salt intake, hormones, air travel, time of day, etc.

If you are getting the bathroom scale daily or even more than once a day, and keeping a fairly frequent weight chart, then it maybe time to take it back to once a week. Monitor and record your weight at the same time each week, but also a thorough inventory of your behavior last week. You must remember your regrets as well as your accomplishments about your diet and exercise regularly. In the big picture, the size of the bathroom and chart weight is only one piece of feedback.

If you inventory your behavior, and doing well, yet the number on the scale of the bathroom or the trend of your weight chart is disappointing, then try using the smart words of my client to Shirley: A numbers on the size of the bathroom is not a reflection of who I am, this is a reflection of who I used to. I'm a person who exercises regularly and eats right. I was at my goal weight. The numbers on the bathroom scale measures in the development of my body catching up with me now.

Getting Adapted To The pH Miracle Diet - How To Cook Interesting New Meals!

When you adopt the pH Miracle Diet, you also change the way you eat and cook your food. While many people find it easy to change their dietary habits, an equal number find the world of fresh fruits and vegetables quite oppressive.
Many people who adopt the pH Miracle Diet are not sure how to maintain it. Before adopting this diet, they used to eat ready-to-eat packages, meat, and other acid-forming food. While the pH Miracle Diet permits people to eat these occassionally, the rest of the diet is something totally new to those who have newly adopted it.

Learn New Recipes

If you search online or in books written about pH Miracle Diet, you will find any number of recipes that have an alkalizing effect on your body. Keep looking for fresh ideas, and you will find that you are never short of meal plans. At first, you will find the meals and the methods of cooking them strange. However, a day will come when they form an important part of your nature.

Plan Diverse Meals

The biggest mistake that many families who adopt the pH Miracle Diet make is to learn and cook only a few types of meals. You could end up getting bored with this and going back to your old acid-forming diet. You can avoid such a thing from happening by finding ten pH Miracle recipes that interest you and trying a new meal plan 
every week. Learn new recipes every week and collect alkalizing recipes till you have a very good collection of meals that the entire family can enjoy.

Cook Your Family's Favorite Foods

Study the lists of alkalizing foods and choose the ones that are already favorites in your family. Find some recipes in which you can use your family's favorite fruits or vegetables. Then, your family will not find the changes in diet a torture. They will find it easier to adjust to the new diet. Start your new diet with foods that your family already likes, instead of bombarding them right away with items such as kale, tofu, and dandelion root. 

Alkalizing Broth

First and foremost, try an alkalizing broth. You can modify it in many ways to suit your family's taste. The basic ingredients that go into it are a few alkalizing vegetables and pure water. Taking this broth will not only give your body the nutrients it requires, but also balance your body's pH level. It detoxifies your organs and tissues. You can use the basic broth for more complex recipes. Alternatively, you could make it the first course of an alkalizing meal.

Try Alkalizing Juices

Many people who have adopted the pH Miracle Diet drink juices to get rid of the excess acid in their bodies. You could use one of the popular alkalizing juice recipes. It will make your new diet all the more exciting. You could drink juice for your breakfast. Juice also serves as a hearthy snack in case you feel hungry in the middle of the day. You don't really need a juicer becaues you can easily make most of these juices on your blender.

Modify Recipes

You will require all your creative power to find recipes that would interest children. A number of children's vegetarian recipe books could come to your aid. You could simply modify these recipes to make them more alkalizing. 

For example, a lot of fruits such as apples, strawberries, and raspberries are on the list of alkalizing food. Many children love sweet potatoes, which are highly alkalizing and good during the winter. Fresh vegetables, such as celery, make excellent snacks during the hot days of the summer. You could also use homemade hummus or lemon juice and mayonnaise sauce to dip them in.

You need a little time, research, and practise to create dozens of mouth-watering alkalizing dishes. Soon, the pH Miracle diet will be an established dietary habit in your family.

Use the Law of Attraction to Make Your Miracle

Have you seen any miracles lately? Or maybe experienced one or two of your own? Do you even believe in miracles these days? Regardless of how you define one, when you start looking for miracles, you'll find life is filled with them. Even better, when you understand the nature of miracles and how they come about, you can create your own at will.
Miracle-making is a highly underrated activity, as many assume it's left in the hands of a higher power and not within our personal purview to create magic. Although there are books on the subject and plenty of folks practicing it already, most of us weren't taught to believe we can create whatever we want.
In fact, we're usually taught the opposite: that it takes hard work and perseverance to get by. Anyone believing in wishes, fairy tale endings, or spending time daydreaming is admonished to be realistic and not get their hopes up. We're trained to deny our wants and desires to avoid disappointment in a harsh and unfair life.
Nothing could be further from the truth, it turns out. We can create miracles. We can create whatever we want in our lives. All it takes is believing it and daring to want whatever we want.
What Makes a Miracle?
What would constitute a miracle in your life? Some of us use the term loosely, but that doesn't deny the wonder and marvel we feel when the swim suit looks as good on us as it did in the catalogue, or we discover the job of our dreams we didn't know existed, or the vet tells us there's an effective affordable treatment for our ailing dog.
I suspect it's partly because we're so used to bad news that when things do go our way, it feels extraordinary or magical. The more we think something is unlikely or impossible to happen, the more miraculous it feels when it does.
Webster defines a miracle as an "extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment." On his ABC Radio National show "Encounter," David Rutledge questioned whether miracles really even occur, since all miracles could be "explained rationally if our rational apprehension was up to the task." He paraphrased St. Augustine in saying when something extraordinary can be explained rationally, it's no longer miraculous.
Indeed. It sounded miraculous to me when researchers recently announced they successfully made a copper cylinder appear to disappear. But after reading their explanation of how metamaterials guide electromagnetic waves around a central region so objects within the region don't disturb electromagnetic fields, thus creating invisibility, it seemed perfectly logical to make something disappear. What took so long to create that? After all, it's just metamaterials guiding electromagnetic waves around the object. What's next, walking on water?
But just because something can be explained logically doesn't make it any less miraculous. In fact, if anything, it brings us closer to believing in and allowing miracles into our daily lives. Why wait for the logical explanation before we believe in it? Let's embrace the miracles awaiting us now.
This brings up two important points regarding miracles and our ability to manifest them.
When we're consciously aware of and grateful for the miracles present in life, we invite more in (because like attracts like and we get what we focus on). Second, when we believe miracles exist and that they can happen to us, we're aligned to experience them.
Our Personal Miracles
What miracles do you take for granted? They are present everywhere, in each of our lives. As you begin to see them, you allow more to manifest. What miracle would you like to see happen next?
A woman who has always struggled in relationship feels like she's been gifted by the gods when Mr. Right appears. Someone who's fighting the weight battle feels like a superhero when he drops 20 pounds and keeps them off through the holidays. One of my favorite personal miracles was quitting my corporate job after five years of talking about it, throughout which I dreaded every work day and feared financial ruin to give up a steady paycheck. People around me, and myself for that matter, were incredulous when I actually did it. It felt like a miracle that I found the courage to create change.
Morris Goodman, dubbed the "Miracle Man," broke nearly every bone in his body (including his skull and spinal cord) when he crashed his plane. Although he wasn't expected to live, Morris not only survived, but recovered from a coma and proved doctors wrong after they said he would never walk, speak or function normally again. Today he's one of the most inspiring motivational speakers on circuit.
Morris' wife, Cathy, created her own miracle by reversing a breast cancer diagnosis simply by using laugh therapy. We often hear stories of people who use the power of their mind to eliminate tumors or survive severely terminal cancer diagnoses.
Regardless of what makes a miracle for someone else, what would yours be? What would amaze and astonish you, and make you believe that not only do marvelous things happen, but that they happen to you?
Once you get a handle on what you'd love to see happen in your life, you've taken the first step to experience it.
Miracle Making 101
It might even be a miracle that today we can openly discuss creating them, since in the past this sort of "blasphemy" could have earned a spot at the burned stake. In fact, there are many contributors spreading the word about deliberate creation today.
Todd Michaels' "Twelve Conditions of a Miracle," Michael Rann's "Shortcut to a Miracle," "The Secret" movie, "Ask and It Is Given" by Abraham-Hicks, even the mysterious Emerald Tablet by Hermes - the list is long of those encouraging us to embrace our powers to create miracles. Larry King even got in on the action last month when he interviewed various authorities on creating reality with your thoughts.
Are you ready to order up a miracle this holiday season? Here's how to get started:
1) Believe it's possible. It's a challenge to create something you don't believe in, so the first step is to embrace your ability to manifest what you want. Even if you can't completely buy into the thought that you can create whatever your heart desires, start by entertaining it as a possibility. The more you consider the thought, the more successful results you'll experience - and the easier it becomes to believe.
2) Choose what you want. Get clear about what you'd like to see happen in your life, whether it's something you'd like to do, be or have. The sky is no limit and you get what you ask for, so make it good!
Start small if that feels more comfortable. Enjoy manifesting rock star parking spots during holiday shopping traffic and truly delightful company parties. Once you gain confidence in your miracle-making capabilities, you can work your way up to the more exciting stuff.
Don't let anyone talk you out of what you choose, and forget whatever you've heard or believed in the past about what is or isn't possible. We live in a realm of infinite possibilities.
3) Feel it now. Your miracle-making capacity lies within (in your thoughts and feelings), so you won't need magic wands, hats or potions - although they might add to the fun. All you need is the discipline to direct your thoughts and feelings in the direction of the miracle you're conjuring up. Focus on what you want, instead of the absence of it.
Set an intention that you will allow this miracle to unfold in your life, and enjoy the feelings that thought brings up. Imagine what it feels like to experience this event or thing now. So much of your energy has been unconsciously directed toward "not wanting" the things you deeply want in life that this step may feel like a breath of fresh air for your true self.
4) Do what feels good. Many of us have lives filled with things that don't feel good, so this final step could entail dramatic change. It may mean new jobs, new relationships, new lifestyles. The way you feel dictates what you attract, so as you make feeling good a higher priority, you'll find life naturally gets better. Feeling good is a fun practice that allows you to naturally and effortlessly create miracles on purpose.
Remember that everyone's "feel good" is different, so don't look to anyone else for what should feel good to you. Trust your inner guidance and follow it.
With this process you become much more deliberate about what you create in your life. You believe in your ability to get what you want; focus on what you want instead of what you don't want; feel what it feels like to have it; and purposely do what feels good - raising your vibration and increasing your power to create the life of your dreams.
So have fun flexing your miracle muscles as you wrap up 2006, and set your sights high for the New Year. It is our destiny to continually expand what we believe possible for ourselves and our world. Now that we've got invisible figured out, we can move on to reversing aging and disease; an abundance of time and money; and loving our "enemies." There are no limits when we free ourselves from the boundaries of what we thought possible!

Living Life As A Miracle

Do you live your life as if everything is a miracle? Albert Einstein is credited with stating that there are two ways to live life: One, as if nothing is a miracle; the other way is as if everything is a miracle.
Living life as if everything is a miracle has many benefits. The benefits include:
• Overcoming the odds.
• Synchronicities - being in the right place at the right time. Meeting the right people at the right time.
• Synchronicities - information and answers to questions when needed.
• A fortunate experience.
• Escaping life threatening situations.
• Health in mind, body and spirit.
• Events created by divine intervention.
• Wonderful events regardless of its likelihood.
Today choose which way you desire to live your life and connect with the twelve Universal Laws:
• Divine Oneness - Everything is connected to everything else. Everything you do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe.
• Vibration - Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular patterns. Every sound, thing and thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique to itself.
• Action - You need to engage in actions that support your thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.
• Correspondence - Energy, Light, Vibration and Motion have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. As above, so below.
• Cause and Effect - Every action has a reaction or consequence and you 'reap what you sow.'
• Compensation - is the Law of Cause and Effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for you. The visible effects of your deeds are given to you in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships and blessings.
• Attraction - You create the things, events and people who come into your life. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.
• Perpetual Transmutation of Energy - You have the power within you to change the conditions of your life.
• Relativity - When you encounter an issue it is for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. You need to consider each issue as a challenge to resolve and remain connected to your heart when proceeding to resolve the issue.
• Polarity - Everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. You can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole.
• Rhythm - Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms create seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Awakened people know how to rise above negative cycles by avoiding negative things to penetrate their consciousness.
• Gender - Everything has a masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principle, and these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate needs to balance the masculine and feminine energies within to become awakened as a true co-created with God.
Pause in this moment - right now. Make your decision - If you choose that living life is only miracles, go ahead now and connect with the beauty and miracles that are waiting for you.